My suspicion is only the hardcore followers of American politics, including the Supreme Court, will give a hoot about Kitanji Brown and whether or not she will be appointed to the Supreme Court. If you happen to be at all concerned don't waste your time; she's a shoo-in. Why do I write this? Well, because Republicans acquiesce when it comes to the Court. They might ask serious and profound questions of the candidate but in the end they honor the wishes of the guy who nominated them.
Democrats, on the other hand, are pure evil when a person is nominated. Ted Kennedy, the guy who let a woman drown in his car, started the anti-Republican mantra with what has come to be known as 'being Borked'.
In March 2002, the Oxford English Dictionary added an entry for the verb "bork" as U.S. political slang, with this definition: "To defame or vilify (a person) systematically, esp. in the mass media, usually to prevent his or her appointment to public office; to obstruct or thwart (a person) in this way.
Kennedy spewed nonsense about Robert Bork, a brilliant man and jurist(Think Antonin Scalia)., being responsible for 'Back Alley Abortions' if he was voted onto the Court.
I think back to some of the Supreme Court Candidates appointed by Democrats during my many years; Sonia Sotomayor, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Elana Kagan. These women sailed through without one bit of controversy.
On the other hand, candidates nominated by Republican presidents have gone through hell to get on the Court. From outside agitators to Democrat senators some of these people and their families have been brought to tears due to less than courteous questioners.
Sam Alito and his family we castigated because they were Catholic. Ahem! Once again abortion and it's consequences reared its ugly head. What about Clarence Thomas? Aside from being Catholic he was shamed and blasted because one person, Anita Hill, who clerked for Thomas once stated he told a joke about a pubic hair being on a coke can. It has never been verified as true but the media, the lap dog for Democrats, ran with it. How disgusting, they said, to talk about pubic hair.
Brett Kavanaugh is another who was raked over hot coals. His inquisitors went back into his high school diary to slam him for being a beer drinker and potential rapist. It's a good thing those who testified against him were certified bimbo's otherwise he'd have been dropped like a 200 lb. stone into the ocean. Hollywood starlets visited the Capitol to proclaim Kavanaugh evil incarnate.
And who can forget Amy Comey Barrett's nomination? Led by the communist loving corrupt businesswoman, Dianne Feinstein, Barrett was considered so revolutionary that she was portrayed as a person who would be the 21st Century version of Joan of Arc.
This candidate, Brown, who was nominated because she was a Black female, has some very serious accusations made against her. Some of her rulings are right out of the Democrat playbook. Yes, there have been some aggressive comments made of her by Republican senators. It makes no difference. She'll be approved. Republicans don't have the courage to vote against her. Hey! It's coming up on November voting and we all know we have to appease our voters.
Finally, I ask you. What would the result be for a Republican candidate if he/she sat on the Board of Directors of a school promoting pro-life views? Now, what should happen if said candidate was on a school board promoting Maxism? The answer is here:
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