Monday, April 4, 2022

It's Masters Week

 In my younger days I was a more than an avid 'everything golf' type of guy. I loved golf more than W.C. Fields loved booze. 

As do little kids before they reached their teens whose life passion was to play major league baseball when I was in my thirties I saw myself on the golf senior tour. Fat chance of that, I knew, but it got me to the range and the course.

These days I've tempered my golf passion. Watching week-end tournaments doesn't do it for me anymore. For one thing I hardly recognize the players. But, I've always been a huge follower of The Masters and I drink it up like a lost soul would go after water in the desert.

I came across an article from Golf Digest: the 50 most defining moments of the Masters. 

My question for the day is, do Gary Player and Arnold Palmer still play?

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