Thursday, May 12, 2022

Back Among The Living----------Maybe

 For you readers who missed me the past few days I was travelling, by car, with Charlie, to Kansas and it wasn't pretty. Oh, seeing my grandchildren is always good but getting there and home is an eleven hour drive each way that caused my bones and body to warp. We were in Olathe for four days beginning Saturday. On Sunday the temps went to 95 and stayed that will until we left. it must be a Midwest habit that when it's hot and a guy walks down the street and meets a stranger one of the other will say, "Hot enough for ya"?. I don't believe people say that in Ohio and certainly not in any place east. In New York what one would say is, "Put your hands up."

On the way home I stopped in at a bank in Casey, Illinois; needed to take out a loan for gas. One spot in southwest Illinois wanted $4.75 per gallon. Let's Go Brandon.

Basically, people are good. They're also oblivious to the world. On the way out I stayed at a Super 8 in Boonville, Missouri. I'd read that that community of 10,000 was one of Mizzou's small town treasures so Charlie and I toured the town. Upon leaving our motel I asked the woman at the front desk if Boonville, the town, was north of I-70 or south since we were a couple miles away. She lives in the community but my question, well, I could see the confusion on her face. She was clueless with the north/south question. So, being a kind man I then said, "If I want to go into town would I leave the motel, stop at a stop sign and turn right or left?" Directions, evidently, can be confusing to high school graduates. Sometimes, I'll purposely ask a question of this nature to solidify my beliefs about public education.

One of the issues on the radio was a vote brought up by Chuck Schumer in the Senate. Democrats want to have abortion legal up to the moment of birth. Think about it. 

This blog might be on death support. Two days ago 65 readers checked in. I can remember the old days when I'd have 800 viewers. Could it be folks are off social media. Let's hope so.

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