Friday, July 29, 2022

Keep Voting Democrat

I'm very excited about West Virginia senator Joe Manchin falling in line with Joey's new $700 billion 'Build Back Better' tax plan. I mean, I live every day in the hope that I can give the government more of my money to spend on poopy stuff. 

Let's look back one year at what some called inflation. In the year 2020 the average American spent $5,600 dollars more on essentials(gas, rent, food, etc.) than they did the year before. This means I don't go as often as I used to. I don't make trips nor do we spend time in the warmer climes in winter. No big deal, right? Except for the proprietors of businesses in those areas who depend on we northerners they can go pound sand. 

So, now were going to have a $700 billion dollar tax thrown at us for Joe's BBB plan except hidden in it are things like increasing the IRS staff. 

I ask you, when in anyone's lifetime has a recession been solved by increasing the tax burden on the people? 

I hearken back to Sen. Walter Mondale when he was nominated to run for the presidency against Renaldus Magnus. He had just received the nomination and was standing on the platform at the DNC convention. He turned to an aide standing next to him and said these prophetic words, "These people don't know it yet but I'm going to tax their asses off."

And that, my friends, is the Democrat Party. 

Average American $5,600 dollars more than 2020 but Joe wants tax increase. Mondale on podium. Don't know it yet but I'm going to tax their asses off.

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