Wednesday, September 7, 2022

And The Winner Will Be.............

John Fetterman is the Attorney General for the state of Pennsylvania and running for the US Senate. For a Democrat he has impeccable credentials. He lived with his parents in the family basement until he was in his 50's while being unemployed. For you Democrats reading here he never held a job.

The guy just had a serious stroke. If you believe this disqualifies him from running forget it. Joe Biden had two brain aneurysms and he's still a walking zombie in the White House. Fetterman is running against Dr. Oz who is having his problems gaining traction in the race.

Two outstanding issues for which Fetterman believes are (1) people on death row for murder should be released and (2) make all drugs legal. 

My guess is Fetterman will be elected. Remember the last election when Trump was up over Biden by 600,000 votes when the Dominion voting machines broke down---------------in all six contested states?

Lightening does strike twice, or three or four or a hundred times when Democrats control the votes. Joe Stalin would be proud. 

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