If you've read this blog for any period of time you know I'm a pro-life person. And this doesn't include just babies. I cry when I see puppies being mistreated. I love life and everything about it. I remember one time when I was teaching history at Alleman high school in Rock Island, Illinois. It was around 1985 and my junior class and I were talking about every day occurrences. For some reason and I don't know what brought it on we began talking about life. I made a statement about how important each and every one of my students was in this life. I said something like, "if that one sperm had not hit that egg at that precise moment in time you wouldn't be the special person you are today." In Catholic schools a teacher could say those things and not a negative word would be said. I was trying to make the point that each and every life was a gift to be taken advantage of and nurtured.
I happened to see a video the other day of a doctor, a doctor who had performed thousands of abortions, explain exactly how it was done. People, I was flabbergasted at the matter of fact way in which he explained the operation. For him it was like making a peanut butter sandwich.
Most of us would hear the word 'abortion' and come to a conclusion based on a word in Webster's dictionary without giving it much thought. But, to listen to this doctor made me want to puke. I was so saddened by is crassness and his ability to make it sound like it was eliminating a head from a frog in a biology class.
Watch the video and see if you don't come to the same conclusion. https://img.ifunny.co/videos/16e366579cc77a6cb242bd674d86ab7cd4fb1d01a4bc3ef1ab504ade2927cdb7_1.mp4
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