Sunday, October 23, 2022

For Being A Phy. Ed. Major I'm Not All That Stupid

 I've always been somewhat in awe of really intelligent people. I've especially admired those who are scholars; the ones who can recite chemical tables on a whim. When I was a sophomore in college one of my fraternity brothers said the word, camaraderie, in a sentence. It sounded so cool even though I was clueless as to its meaning. I grew up in a town where the phrase, "We ain't got no" put me in the Mensa category. Even to this day when I see the guy I'll bring it up then ask for his autograph.

In high school I survived with a smattering of B's, mostly C's with a D and one F thrown in. In college I started off on a hot streak with a C+ average my first year then as time when by reality set in. Some would thing earning two D's and an F couldn't raise ones GPA but I proved them wrong. At Coe College in Cedar Rapids Iowa, our fraternity was always #1 in the nation for Sigma Nu's academically. I did absolutely nothing to help the cause but I was an outstanding social chairman and threw 'Animal House' type parties. In that regard I was and still am a legend.

I barely graduated college. You've heard the phrase 'by the skin of the teeth'. My diploma had those words written on it. Actually, I graduated college with a major in Physical Education. I figured it would be the easiest one to attain and it was, sort of. There were a couple of text books that would have helped me but I wasn't that much into reading. There were more important items on my agenda; playing sports and 25 cent beer night at the East Side Maid-Rite being two of them.

What I did have was a modicum of common sense and that has carried me though life. As an example, I have a dear friend, one with an IQ in the Einstein area who doesn't know how to put on socks unless he read the directions in a book. One night we were out and about and needed gas for our car. He went to the pump and stuck the nozzle in the gas port and began pumping all the while taking puffs off a lit cigar.

The reason I bring this up is because of the women pictured and those who listen to what she has to say as though the words came from Moses after his final visit with God.

You probably recognize Rochelle Walensky. She's the head of the CDC and she's been all over television and the Sunday morning talk show for three years. When she speaks people cower in fear as to what she has to say and they follow along they way I do when Her Majesty is in a sour mood and tells me to take out the garbage and to do it pronto.

From the get go in regard to vaccinations Walensky said, "If you get vaccinated you cannot get Covid. If you get vaccinated you cannot spread the Covid." As Ramses said in the Ten Commandments, "Let it be written. Let it be done." End of story, right? The correct answer is 'Wrong'

Yesterday, Walensky told the world that even though she has been vaccinated along with receiving five booster shots she has come down with the Covid. This to me is mindboggling and not so much because of what she said about herself but that MANY PEOPLE still believe she knows what the heck she is talking about. And now the government is telling us very soon the populace will be required to purchase their vaccinations at a cost of $130 a pop. Fat chance of that for me. I'd rather make a down payment on a Batesville casket.

So what if Walensky had been a PE Major. I cringe at the thought. With her track record I doubt she be able to tape a sprained ankle which would please me because that was my forte'. My thought is if I can tape an ankle I should be name the head of the CDC.

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