Monday, June 30, 2014

The Main Result Of Hobby Lobby

The Libs are in a tither because SCOTUS ruled in favor of Hobby Lobby. If you're reading this and you don't know about what I'm writing then go watch Ellen or another inane show. Here it is in a nutshell: From now on women are going to have to spend $9.00 a month out of their own pockets for birth control. That's it.
Let's put it another way. In a thirty day period the Sandra Fluke's of the world will be going without two skinny latte's from Starbucks.
Ms. Fluke has already weighed in on how she's getting screwed(no pun intended) by this decision via twitter. My own personal advice for Sandra and her birth control dilemma would be to: (1) don't date guys who are dead drunk and (2) have her keep the bedroom lights on.

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