Saturday, March 14, 2020

Why Do Blacks Continue To Vote Democrat

Excerpts from Buzz Feed:

In 1964, President Johnson said that it was a national disgrace that 20% of black children were born into family's that didn't have a father present. That figure is now 78%. The black family has been destroyed by Democrats who offered welfare benefits to single mothers, but not to married mothers. President Johnson privately quipped, as he signed the legislation that provided the benefits, “Those niggers will vote for us for the next hundred years. His predictions are coming true as Democrats continue to rely on the black vote to stay in power. 94% of blacks vote for Democrats.
Synonyms for victim are: loser, prey, stooge, dupe, sucker, fool. Democrats have convinced people with black skins that they are victims. Another aspect of victimhood is that you are powerless to save yourself and will need the help of someone much stronger than you, like sympathetic Democrats. The whole idea that Blacks need Democrats to protect them because they are victims who are not capable of protecting themselves is disgusting, racist and demeaning to Black America.

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