Thursday, October 22, 2020

"It's A National Security Risk, People"

 My mind is boggled that Biden is receiving so much blocking from the MSM. I understand they hate Trump regardless of all the positives he's done for the country. Yes, he's arrogant. So what? There are times when I can be the same way as can hundreds of thousands of others. 

Here's what I hate. My nation, my country is being put at risk by some guy who was only interested in putting money in his pocket the public be damned. 

Trust me, If Donald Trump and his sons were in this position, well, you know how the media would be reacting. NPR, a taxpayer funded institution said they didn't put anything in their news because the people don't care. How stupid do they think we, the people, are?

We're talking about our enemies, Russia and China, who have controlled Joe Biden to the point that they can have him do whatever they want and if he, as president, doesn't follow their lead-------I can't even see the outcome.

Read the article I'm posting. As a person who loves our Republic I'm praying there is Divine Intervention to expose the crimes. Their right in front of your nose if you only take the time to weigh the information.

Biden Whistleblower Emails: Chinese Energy Company Gave $5 Million Non-Secured, Forgivable Loan to Biden ‘Family’

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