Let's say you're in the eye of a hurricane and trying to figure out how to save your life and those of your loved ones. What would you do.
Well, if it was me I'd get in my car and drive like Dale Earnhart, Jr. at Talladega. But that's just me.
The CDC is busy. Not only have they come up with lifesaving lies dealing with Covid they are now offering their wisdom on hurricanes and not die.
Chekc out their suggestions. Does something seem out of cync? Oh, and make absolutely sure you follow the last rule. The lack of social distancing in a hurricane can be a real killer.
- Prepare for a hurricane: Take basic steps now to ensure your safety should a storm hit.
- Get a COVID-19 vaccine as soon as you can. COVID-19 vaccines help protect you from getting sick or severely ill with COVID-19 and may also help protect people around you.
- Get emergency supplies: Stock your home and your car with supplies.If in-person shopping is your only choice, take steps to protect your and others’ health when running essential errands.
- Make a plan: Create a family disaster plan.
- Prepare to evacuate: Never ignore an evacuation order. Pay attention to local guidance about updated plans for evacuations and shelters, including shelters for your pets.
- Protect older adults: Understand older adult health and medical concerns.
- Protect your pets: Ensure your pet’s safety before, during, and after a hurricane.
- When you check on neighbors and friends, be sure to follow social distancing recommendations (staying at least 6 feet from others) and other CDC recommendations to protect yourself and others.
- Whatever you do, though, in order to survive is get that shot.
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