I remember as a lad growing up in the 1950's reading about the Lincoln assassination; who was involved and who wasn't in the actual murder. And that was almost a century after the occurrence. Now, after sixty years, there are serious investigations taking place in regard to the murder of JFK. Smart money has the CIA being the chief culprit for the murder along with our Mafia and, quite possibly, the vice-President, Lyndon Johnson having his finger in the pie.
Conspiracy theories seem to be more than theories. My educated guess is they're fact. Can you say TWA Flight 800? https://www.americanthinker.com/articles/2023/09/jfk_is_easy_now_do_twa_flight_800.html
“TWA Flight 800 was shot down by a U.S. Navy guided missile ship which was in area W-105. It has been a cover-up from the word go.” Although recipients had vowed to keep the information among themselves, one of them posted the information on the internet"
And then there's the subject of Bldg. Number 7 on 9/11. https://nypost.com/2023/09/11/inside-the-forgotten-wtc-building-that-burned-down-on-9-11/
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