Sunday, July 12, 2009

Ruth Bader Ginsburg & Eugenics

I re-printed this anonymous letter from England's UK Guardian. Justice Ginsburg, in a recent interview said that she thought the purpose of Roe v. Wade was to reduce the population(s) of certain groups of people. Nice, huh?

So Ruth Bader Ginsburg let the cat out of the bag. You have to realize that, as an older woman, she has memories of things that most of the world has forgotten today. What she said is absolutely true. Roe’s success was due to the efforts of a group called Planned Parenthood, which came directly out of an organization called the American Birth Control League. It was founded by a woman called Margaret Sanger, whose stated goal in promoting birth control was to sterilize groups of people she thought were unfit, like blacks, asians and poor southern whites. In this way, America’s human breeding stock would be purified of inferior elements. This part of MS’s thinking has been buried, obviously because it’s VERY politically incorrect. However, PP STILL honors people with their Margaret Sanger award (for reducing their own populations, perhaps?) and still proudly claims her as their foundress. The liberal media, which supports birth control, has so successfully buried the origins of the birth control movement that, over the years, it’s been erased from people’s minds. Planned Parenthood should have been asked, a long time ago, to what extent eugenics drives their movement. Ruth Ginsburg accidently came out with a truth that was once widely known. She must be losing it a little, mentally, to slip up like that.

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