Friday, September 10, 2010

What A Conundrum

Being a liberal means living in Dreamland. It forces a person to alter their value systems on a whim. They have to change a thought process on a daily basis.
Have you noticed lately I'm not doing much commentary on political topics. Mostly, I'm reprinting someones work. Fact is, since I'm not there, wherever that is, how can I justify what I write. It's only one man's opinion but I'll try this one time.
Since my next couple of sentences deal with the mosque problem and all the laundry that goes with it, I'll keep it brief. The mainstream liberal media and liberals in general have brought on this mosque brouhaha. I'm including the nut job minister(s) from Florida, Tennessee and Kansas in this, too. For a liberal, everyday is not a slow news day when ultra right wing goofballs, aka religious nuts looking for fifteen minutes of fame, are involved. The libs are so bent out of shape about this mosque thing it's frightening. It's an enigma for me. As far as they're concerned there is no problem with the mosque and there's a huge problem with the burning of the Koran because it'll incite world protest. Every US Embassy will be under attack. There will be massive protest around the world. American soldiers will be in more grave danger as if they weren't already. I've actually heard libs say this. Idiots! The Muslim world will hate us, libs say. Gasp!. The pansy libs then turn around and say it's the right of anyone to: (a)burn the American flag; (spit on the American flag; ((c) defecate and urinate on the American flag because we have freedom of speech. Sad to say, but it's also okey-dokey to do the same to statues of religious figures sacred to our western society. In case you've forgotten we are Christian, regardless that Obama did say we are not Christian, anymore. Face it. He's treading in deep waters anyway so he'll look to say anything hoping it's a life line.
So, the President and his minions keep on tripping over themselves looking for ways to justify solving their problem.
For me, regarding the terrorists, mosque problem, ridiculous ministers, etc. I say, "screw 'em". Now y'all go out and have a nice day!

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