Thursday, October 28, 2010

On Being Anal

I tend to get upset over the little things in life. Big things don't bother me all that much. When I hear of a friend having a heart attack or a bomb dropping on a neighbors home I just say, "well, that's life". Thanks to prescription drugs I've slowed down in recent years. I had a buddy who once told me I was wound tighter than a drum. Hmmmmm! That's not good. Anyway, I've overcome that and take life a lot easier. There are, though, some things that just absolutely drive me nuts. I was reminded of this when I went to Giant Eagle food store this morning. Why is it people can't take their grocery cart to the cart receptacle? I mean, it's not like these things located in the next county. And the carts are typically left in MY parking spot. It's a verbal outlet for me since I convince myself it's then acceptable to let loose with a barrage of obscenities. Two other things that are mental killers for me: Why is it when drivers are pulling out onto an interstate, and there's a yield sign, they are convinced 'yield' means it's okay to continue driving and make me brake hard to miss them? The other heart thumper also deals with yielding--or not. Those folks who are entering an interstate from an on ramp do so going 35 mph. It's a recipe for a twenty car pile up. This is the one that makes me want to rear end that car at mach speed.
I had one other thing happen last night that I had no control over. I dreamt I was going bald. I don't know why but I woke up in a panic. I'm nearly 65 years old and have more hair than a neanderthal. Whew! That was a bad one. Anal? Probably but if that's the worst then I'm not as screwed up as most. One of my friends becomes crazy frazzled when school starts in the Fall and he has to slow down to 20 mph in the zone. Can you imagine that? His attitude drives me nuts!

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