Saturday, June 27, 2015

The Questions Of Today Involve The Supreme Court

The most recent Supreme Court decisions bring on a bevy of questions.

If two people of the same sex can be married is it a sin and what are their legal responsibilities if they cheat on their partner? If heterosexual married couples commit adultery is it a sin and are there legal ramifications? How is adultery to be defined henceforth? It is my contention that the Supreme Court is ruling on social issues not applicable to the Constitution but this has been going on for years. As an example, Chief Justice Roger Tawney ruled in the Dred Scott decision of 1857 that a slave could be taken from a slave state to a free one and still be a slave and not a citizen. It must be noted that Tawney was a Democrat as were the justice who voted with the majority.

A man and a women are truly considered married when intercourse takes place. I think the proper phraseology is, "after the marriage has been consummated". Intercourse with homosexuals opens up a new can or worms for me. I've never really considered a dildo as part of the human anatomy. I need to check Webster's and I'll get back to you.

Has the Supreme Court opened the door to legal polygamy? Will the North American Man Boy Love Association(NAMBLA) be bringing suit for their rights to, well you know, legally rape kids.

And finally, will it one day be common place for John Q. Public to exchange wedding vows with Zippy the Chimp?

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