Monday, July 6, 2015

State Attorney Generals Could Overturn King vs. Burwell

For the heck of it let's say, while a high school basketball coach, I told prospective players they might not make the team if they had red hair. It seems to me those red headed boys would take me to court and get my thought process overturned. If they didn't want to go that route they and their parents might have their guard up when it came to cut time start planning my termination.

It might behoove readers of this blog to do something few if any of us do, take action. Mostly, when we're upset about the enactment of a law we sit on our butts and complain and that's the end of it.

I received a forward from a buddy regarding the recent King vs. Burwell Supreme Court decision allowing for gay marriage, polygamy, bestiality, child abuse sexually, etc.

Did you know that Supreme Court justices, Kagan and Ginsburg performed same sex marriages prior to their decisions to legalize the new marriage laws?  So, why should any of us have been mystified at the outcome?

If each and every concerned citizen contact their state attorney general he or she could petition the courts to make 'null and void' the Supreme Court decision. I like that phrase 'null and void'. It's what those southern states used as justification to join the Confederacy. They felt the federal government was getting to 'big for their breeches' and didn't appreciate taking orders from the bullies in DC.

As one of my fishing buddies says when looking for a good walleye spot, "seems like a plan".

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