Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Save The Whales

 Do you remember when the environmentalists were screaming at the top of their Greta Thunberg lungs exhorting every man woman and child to save the whales? When did they stop and why? If you recently arrived from Mars you may not know whales and a variety of other seal life animals are dying by the hundreds off the East Coast of the United States. This phenomena doesn't seem to be bothering government officials. Why?

Marine scientists types and other learned folks speculate the reason for the deaths is because of the massive amount of wind turbines that have been constructed in the Atlantic Ocean. I'd read these things interfere with their sonar. It could be but since I'm not learned in this area I'm not qualified to speak.

What I do know is if we want to find out more we should convince the media there's a correlation between dead whales and the war in the Ukraine. Problem solved.

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