Friday, October 23, 2009

Nancy Nutjob

The Bush tax cuts will expire in 2010. Some of you, perhaps many of you, are clueless about this. One might ask, "what tax cuts"? Others would shout, "well, it's about time"! Here's the situation. Early on in the GWB administration Bush and the Republican congress felt it would be good for the economy to put some cash back into the pockets of the taxpayer. On January 1, 2010 the Great One and his minions are going to let the cuts go by the wayside. Pay attention please! If you have a family of four and make $50,000 your taxes will go up by approximately $2,500 per year. And what, pray tell, was the response of our Dame Speaker when questioned? "It's not a tax increase but the elimination of a tax decrease". Did you understand what jelly brain is saying? God help us all.

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