Thursday, October 1, 2009


Doesn't it seem a bit, no, a lot screwy and ridiculous that the main focus of the twenty-four hour news cycle deals with the Olympics. Chicago, the home of Al Capone, the Daley regime, precinct captains wallowing in tainted dollar bills, Rod Blagojovich Barack Hussein Obama and one of the highest murder rates in the nation is being presented as the end of the yellow brick road in securing the Olympic Games. Reports already say that there is a mad rush by Democratic insiders to buy up land to be used for new sports venues. Can you say "graft and corruption"? More than half of the people of Chicago do not want the 2016 Olympics. The 49 precincts captains voted and surprise the vote was a unanimous 49. Last month the City had to shut down operations for a day because they couldn't pay the bills. So, here's what happens. The fix is in, I'd bet, and the people from the City of Big Shoulders will burden it's people with higher taxes to support the luxurious lifestyles of the rich and infamous.

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