Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Hillary Got Me To Thinking

It's necessary for me to break a vow. In recent a recent column I stated I was backing off from politics. Today, I've rescinded the statement.

A few days ago Hillary said the following: "We need to change our views on religion". Was she asking that we read the Declaration and Constitution to see what our Fore Fathers had to say on the subject? Of course not. It is her contention that we, all Americans, not put so much stock in the Almighty.

How so, you might ask? The mantra of the Left in this country revolves around abortion. If they didn't have that as a major part of their agenda they'd be floundering in the water. Hillary sees herself as the conscience of Americans and the Queen of Abortions.

By changing our views on religion Hillary is asking for carte blanche on all abortions, conception to post-birth.

Silly me. I was under the impression abortion was a choice.

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