Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Obama Calls For Universal Income

Hey gang, Barry's in Kenya for a big event; raising cash for his sister. You remember Kenya. It's the homeland of his dad and the country where every citizen has to do a #2 by digging a hole in the ground.

You'll recall in '09 when he and Biden were recently elected and made a trip to Toledo, Ohio. He told a guy who became famous as 'Joe the Plumber' that at some point we'd have to spread the wealth around. I.e. socialism if you will.

Anyway, after Mr. Chicago had moved on to Johannesburg, South Africa to received a Nelson Mandela he gave a speech announcing that the world needs a universal income. What the hell? We already have it in the U.S. It's called EBT cards. How many times is this community activist going to show his economic ignorance? There's an old saying, "If Socialists understood economics there wouldn't be socialism. However, we in the real world understand when Bomma makes these utterances. He's talking communism.
I was searching for the perfect cartoon to illustrate our 44th presidents ineptitude.I do believe I found one.


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