Thursday, February 7, 2019

Don't Feel Sorry For Furloughed Federal Workers

And this is only the tip of the iceberg------

Federal employees are back on the job after the government shutdown — and many are doing pretty well for themselves, according to a new report that shows nearly 92,000 of them make salaries that match or exceed the governors of the states where they work.
Some are in traditional high-pay occupations such as doctors. But the total also includes 18 painters, 22 welders and 25 pipefitters.
More than 1,000 clerical workers in Alabama make at least $120,000, or about the same salary as Gov. Kay Ivey. In Ohio, 333 Ohio “transportation” workers, most of them air traffic controllers, make in the ballpark of Gov. Mike DeWine’s nearly $149,000 salary.
Washington Times

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