Monday, February 4, 2019

The Mice Are Back

Six weeks ago we had a mice attack on our home. I hate when this happens. I know they come in under our auxillary sink through the opening in around the pipes. Being the brilliant hunter I am I surrounded the pipes with steel wool. They ate through it.

During out last go round I purchased the old fashion traps, the kind grandma used back in the 50's. They don't make 'em like they used to. I'd put on the peanut butter, set the trap and the gol' durned thing would snap on my fingers. On the tenth go round I'd throw these in the garbage. I moved up for the next set of traps and they were great; got the job done with no mess and all the mice felt was a broken neck.

Today I went back for two more but when I came home and looked at the box it read, 'Humane Traps For Mice'. What the hell is that? I'm not vegan. I don't belong to the ASPCA. I'm not even a earth firster. I want to bring God's wrath on these little bastards. And I will.

Do you know what's really, really embarrassing? It's when a person(me) goes to Giant Kroger grocery story to buy my goodies them come out into the car lot and can't find my vehicle. I don't have an electronic buzzer on my keys so I walk and walk and walk. Finally, a person, another old person will come up to me and say, "Can't fine your car either, huh.? Let's look together".

It gets worse. Today I came out of Kroger and once again couldn't find my car. I drive a Toyota Corolla which is bad because there have been over 40 million of those things sold. I have an Iowa Hawkeye sticker on the upper left hand corner of my car so that's where I concentrate when I'm walking. I walked for 15 minutes this morning and couldn't spy my car. Then it hit me. I drove my wife's car to the Kroger's.

Old age ain't fun.

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