Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Call Me Naive

I could never be a good thief because I'm not smart enough to get away with illegal activities. Most people aren't but I'd say there is a certain percentage who get away with a scam. It's sad to say I've been a victim a few times in my life

Yesterday I took my daughter and her three kids into Walker, Mn.(pop 970) for lunch. Afterwards we walked the streets, all three blocks looking in shop windows. One of these stores had kid trinkets so we stopped in. I bought my granddaughter a sweatshirt. I thought this type of clothing was sort of silly since she lives in Scottsdale, Az. where there temps average 2,000 degrees F.

Anyway, as I paid the bill I read a sign on the checkout counter reading: We do not accept American Express or checks. I inquired about the checks and the store owner explained. She stated, "There is one motel in town and the police captured a guy in his room who had a check making machine". Call me naive but I'd never considered such a scam. Of course, I still believe people would never do such a thing but, hey, what do I know?

I'm flabbergasted people, unless they are under the influence, would commit any type of crime. Everyone has a smart phone to take videos. Every corner has a camera to catch everyone's actions, good or bad.

The one advantage for me when crooks get caught is it makes me feel much better about myself. And that's a good thing.

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