Saturday, July 6, 2019

Let The Good Times Roll

It's been a topsy turvy last five days at our Minnesota cabin. There have been ups and, unfortunately, downs but today all is right with the world .

To begin with my boat motor conked out last Monday. If you know me you know that my mechanical and electrical knowledge is less that nil. I'm the kind of guy who doesn't know how to turn on a push lawn mower.

Anyway, my children and theirs begin rolling in at the end of next week so I was in a panic about the motor. I called three different sources and none could work on it until next Monday. It doesn't make any difference though because two years ago due to a severe storm two large pine trees fell on my boat trailer damaging the axle. This means I had to find a neighbor to help me out or pay an engine repair shop to come and pick it up. We're talking a thousand dollars, folks.

A bolt out of the sky hit me and I went out on the dock, crawled inside the boat and began looking at what I didn't know. I pulled and tugged and finally found what I saw was a loose connection and Viola IT STARTED! I'm going to Mass twice today and three times tomorrow.

Our next door neighbors, good people, have allowed their newly graduated high school son to bring up 12 of his buddies beginning Monday. Their porch, where they hang out, is screened which means the Queen and I will received the benefit of what ever godawful music kids listen to today until 3 am. I'll have to dig out my Barney Fife uniform.

On Friday our Olathe, Kansas kids(5) arrive with their friends who have 4 kiddies. Four days later our daughter and her three children fly in from Scottsdale and a day after that our son, his wife and four children drive in from Cincinnati. Charlie will luck out because they have a dog and they're great pals doing things like sniffing each other and running around the yard. It's going to be a riot at Ten Mile Lake. I wonder who will get the thrill of buying the food. Hmmm!

The very best news is we're not coming back in September after renting out the place for August. I'll have been here for two months which is for me an all-time 25 year record. It's mind boggling for me to tell the reason why we've decided to stay in Ohio instead of making the drive. Flat out it's too tiring.
And this coming from a guy who drove 75,000 miles a year for twenty years working.

Life is good.

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