Saturday, April 11, 2009

Ayyy Matey!!!

I'm anxiously awaiting Indian Ocean action from our Commander-in Chief in dispelling four Somalian terrorists from what has to be a Queen Mary sized dinghy. Since the FBI, US Navy and other military forces are handling the situation I pray the outcome will be to our satisfaction. Capt. Richard Phillips will go down in American naval lore as a courageous leader and hero, as he should be.
Our leader, Pres. Obama, seems to be concentrating on the economic aspects of daily life and leaving the pirate part to Queen Hillary. I alluded to this aspect of her duties immediately after she was coronated Sec. of State. Whatever the outcome she either wins or loses. Obama handles the domestic, Hillary gets the hard part.
Somalia has seemingly given this country, especially the Clinton's, more trouble than they bargained for in the past sixteen years. One only need recall the Blackhawk Down incident when, in the capital city of Mogadishu, 18 US Marines were slaughtered in the streets of that warlord infested slum city. It was after this inaction that Osama bin Laden said the US was a paper tiger, at least when the Clinton's were involved. Hopefully, we'll handle this situation better than did Bill. His action was called "retreat". Of course, he wouldn't take the blame but did lay it upon his Secretary of Defense, Les Aspin. Who am I kidding? Aspin turned down the request of US Commander Thomas Montgomery to provide military equipment for our boys so let's just say Les and Bill were culpable. Lucky for Aspin he died shortly thereafter thus saving him the embarrassment of having to live his life in infamy for being a failure. Also fortunate for Aspin he had the good courtesy not to die in Ft. Marcy Park. That really would have caused controversy.
Not to have a stain on his military record we must remember that it was Clinton who, with a 'take no prisoners' attitude told the military junta of Haiti "their time was up" as rulers allowing the defrocked Catholic turned communist priest, Jean Bertrand Aristide, to assume dictatorial office. Let me refresh your memory when I write that Haitian militarists had nothing in common with Hitler's Wermacht.
If Obama can take some lessons from the Clinton administration on how not to handle the military we can all sleep well tonight.

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