Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Obama's Faith-Based Choice Is Anti-Catholic

Shock: Nominee to Obama's Council on Faith-Based Partnerships is Anti-Catholic, Leftwing Zealot.
That's what Ace of Spades along with a variety of mainstream publications writes. Why not decide for yourself.

"Of course, of course. Why wouldn't he be?
President Barack Obama’s controversial appointee to the White House faith-based advisory council -- a professed gay Christian who has called the pope a “discredited leader” -- continues to rile conservatives. ... Knox comes to the administration from the Human Rights Campaign, a homosexual advocacy group. His recent comments to a San Francisco-based gay newspaper have prompted much of the concern. Last month, the Bay Area Reporter quoted Knox as criticizing the Knights of Columbus for supporting California’s Proposition 8, a voter-approved constitutional amendment defining marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Knox told the newspaper that the Knights of Columbus “followed discredited leaders,” including Roman Catholic bishops and Pope Benedict XVI."

In case you haven't heard, three of Obama's choices for the ambassardorship to the Vatican have been "thumbs downed" by papal officials. The administration keeps sending the names of pro-abortion candidates. That's sort of like naming Hitler to be a liaison with Jews and oven manufacturers.

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