Saturday, April 24, 2010

Paging "The Biggest Loser"

Kudos to our good friends at Ace of Spades HQ==
So our workaholic, nose to the grindstone, "all work and no play makes Barack a dull boy" President and his extremely elegant, petite and graceful wife did something unusual this weekend: they stayed in and enjoyed a quiet night to themselves.
On ours, however, the President took time off from improving his short game to travel down to Asheville, NC with Michael Dorn Michelle for yet another much ballyhooed "date night".
Now, normally I wouldn't be too much interested in the comings and goings of our First Couple. As long as I know they are nowhere near me, what with their entourage of traffic congesting Secret Service vehicles and the like, I'm O.K.
But I have been to Asheville on a number of occasions, and I was curious as to which restaurant they would visit. After all, while Barack Obama may look like a guy who gets by on the Asheville hippy standard menu of wheat-germ and cocaine organically grown, Fair Trade coffee, Michelle looks as though she requires, shall we say, a tad bit more substantive fare.
Fortunately, the New York Post was there to record the important meal for posterity. Here, then, is what the Obamas ordered.
The meal included BBQ ribs, greens, baked beans, corn pudding, mac & cheese and corn bread, guzzled back with icy cold sweet teas.
Now I could ask some relevant questions here. For example, how much salt do you think was in this meal? Isn't Michelle Obama supposed to be leading some kind of "war on obesity"? How many calories do you think were consumed here? Why did they even go to 12 Bones restaurant when that restaurant's menu doesn't include any nutritional information as required by the President's own health care law? How much sugar was in the sweet teas? Doesn't sugar contribute to diabetes which is an affliction that drives up health care costs? How many did they drink? Did they use artificial sweetener? What kind? How much did they use and was it a product that "scientific studies" have indicated raise the risk of cancer?
Like I say, I could ask these questions. But I'm a conservative, and, frankly I don't give a damn about what other people eat. The Obamas, though, seem to think that I should. Or, rather, that federal regulators should. And that I should face some sort of consequence from deviating from their imposed vision of a healthy diet.
Which, frankly, seems to be an instance of "doctor, heal thyself", really.
Who knows? Maybe Pres. Obama doesn't understand what folks mean when they rightly call the VAT a "consumption tax" and he just wants to gorge now while it remains "cost-effective" to do so. I could believe that.
In any event, it was nice of 12 Bones to go to the trouble of naming one of their sandwiches after the First Lady. They didn't have to do that, you know.

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