Thursday, July 31, 2014

Coal Should Be King

The CEO of Murray Energy, Bob Murray, a honcho in the coal industry was on Cavuto this afternoon. He was bemoaning the massive rate hikes in electricity brought on by the dictator in power. The coal industry, and I know this because I worked with miners and those in power plants for twenty years, have greatly decreased the amount of dirty coal since 1992. Wacko environmental groups give to and support our Leftist politicians. Did you know that Obama has shut down 411 power plants since he took office? I didn't either. I saw a commercial on The Five yesterday about wind turbines being built in Iowa and how wonderful they are. The background music was The Blue Danube. Sort of makes a soothing feeling for all of us if we want to be bamboozled. Have you visited the state recently? The landscape is loaded with these monstrosities. The commercial went on to say that we can someday envision turbines will provide 20% or our energy needs. Someday? Gimme a break. The Council Bluffs Cowboy, my western correspondent, informed me that the key investor in these turbines is Warren Buffett, one of Obama's most staunch supporters. As we in the know always say, follow the money. Coal is clean and cheap. Workers in the mines are losing jobs, the price of coal energy is skyrocketing but it's our greatest source of energy potential along with it's hated cousin, oil. And the people will stand for it because they want to feel good even though the policy is wrong.

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