Monday, September 21, 2015

What's The Big Deal About A President Being Muslim

Dr. Ben Carson is under fire from the media, such a surprise, for saying a Muslim shouldn't be our president. The Trumpster, at a political meeting, was asked a question by a Hillary supporter about Obama being our president and didn't put him down or refute his statement.

These remarks or lack thereof have the MM in a tither. It's their story of the day. I can only guess what will show up tomorrow.

Regardless, concerning Obama's supposed Muslim faith as to whether he is or isn't what's the problem?

I look at it this way. Obama's daddy was a Muslim. His granddaddy was the same. His brother(s) are Muslim as is Aunt Tooney and a whole slew of relatives in Kenya.

When Obama was a youth in Indonesia he went to a Muslim school and it wasn't called St. Gertrude's or St. Michael's so he doesn't have that to fall back on.

During the first election cycle in an interview with George Stephanopoulos he stated he was a Muslim until he was corrected by George that he was mistaken. Obama quickly corrected himself saying he was Christian.

The Rev. Jeremiah Wright has stated he is a Muslim.

Holy Cripes and sakes alive. How stupid are we?

We've had a Muslim in office going on seven years so who cares what Trump and Carson say?

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