Thursday, February 22, 2018

Is It Possible Liberals/Democrats/MSM Are Racist

In perusing the internet this morning I was intent on finding information on the number of gun deaths of teenagers in Chicago last year but could come up with nothing.

I did find out there were 762 homicides in the City of Big Shoulders in '16 but this could encompass any number of of methods of inflicting death.

Regardless, my educated suspicion is there were hundreds of teenagers who were murdered via the bullet. Far more than the 17 murdered in Florida last week. And these murders, outside of being reported in the Chicago Tribune and Chicago  Sun-Times are non-stories.

So, why is it, after the most recent tragedy the media and politicians only focus on mass shootings involving mostly white kids in white schools?

Personally, I have my views but I'll leave it up to you except to say all the naysayers have a political agenda. Remember what I've always told you. The first thing to hit a congressmen's mind when their feet hit the floor in the morning is, "What can I do today to get re-elected?". It it means to trash anybody or any institution to gain a foothold then go for it.

It was enjoy writing this column at a Fairfield Inn in Columbia, Missouri. The lady who makes the breakfast and cleans up is, at this time, singing gospel hymns. What a wonderful way to begin the day.

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