Tuesday, February 5, 2019

She Gave Up Junk Food

Alysha (pictured before her weight loss) joined her local gym, ditched fast food and now looks unrecognizable - and has charted her entire weight loss journey online

Alysha, pictured after her transformation, admitted 'it was daunting to upload photos of myself with my stomach out but I felt it was necessary to see how far I'd come'

A fitness fanatic looks unrecognizable after she dropped 182 lbs (13 stone) by ditching her expensive fast food addiction.
Alysha McNair, 21, weighed 379 lbs at her heaviest after her eating habits spiraled out of control which saw her visiting up to five different takeaway outlets per meal.
While the recommended daily intake for women is 2,000 calories, Alysha, from British Columbia, was consuming double that in just one sitting.
Her overeating left her with a bulging waistline, and saw her forced to wear size XXXXL clothing.
UK Daily Mail

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