Tuesday, February 5, 2019

The Baby Killer Party

Considering New York has legalized abortion up to birth(and after) we need to address this issue even further. Considering the New York legislature stood and applauded the signing of the abortion bill by fake Catholic, Andrew Cuomo-------------------------,
Considering Cuomo required the lights of the World Trade Center be lighted in pink to celebrate these abortions. Considering the governor of Rhode Island, also a fake Catholic is calling for the same law in her state and the governor of Virginia doing the same---------------------.

I will never again call these people the Democrat Party. My vernacular now requires they be called 'The Baby Killer Party'. This is their primary voting issue.

The only redeeming factor is Trump, a pro-lifer, is president and Hillary isn't.

Fake Catholic Patty Murray(Baby Killer Party-Washington


On Monday, Senator Patty Murray blocked a Senate bill that would require doctors to give aid to babies who survived abortions, objected to the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, and her one vote was enough to prevent the Senate from passing the bill in a unanimous consent vote, LifeSiteNews reports.

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