Monday, February 4, 2019

Sherrod Brown For President

One of my US Senators, Sherrod Brown must be running for President. Yesterday he referred to Trump as a racist. Democrats who say this always make a blanket statement without citing specifics. It has the same impact if I said, My Senator is an idiot.

One of Brown's current bloviations is to support the folks who were laid off by the partial government shutdown. It's all hogwash, of course.

I was listening to a replay of a Democrat commercial blasting the shutdown. One one of these bits of propaganda a worried mother, single of course, was bemoaning the fact that without her job she would have to make the choice of buying food or purchasing a new car battery. OMG! Decisions, decisions, decisions.

Let's consider the folks in the suburbs surrounding Washington D.C. who had a job vacation. Most of these people make over a hundred thousand a year. In addition, if married, their spouses are also making money on a job.

So, these grifters went a couple of weeks without a paycheck which they were going to receive when the shutdown ended. Are you trying to tell me, an average midwestern guy, that they were going to starve to death. Only the ignorant would buy this nonsense.

If they haven't saved a hundred dollars to buy a car battery they don't deserve to be paid in with the tax dollars we provide them for a job Howdy Doody could do.

Sherrod Brown, the gravelly voiced senator has as much chance of winning the nomination as I do being selected in the first round of the major league draft. I'm going to very much enjoy the Democrat nominating process as each of these clowns eat each other; destroying the credibility of each other. It's going to be fun. Who knows? Maybe old Joe Biden will be their guy.

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