Thursday, March 2, 2023

All It Takes Is One

 Six years ago I got fed up with this blog and announced I was putting it to bed, permanently. I published a noted picture called 'The End Of The Trail' showing an American Indian on his horse with head bowed. I got the idea for using this photo from my grandfather who had the picture hanging in his home. I was determined to not blog anymore then out of the blue a follower from the D.C. area sent me an email asking that I resume writing.

I received a phone call this morning from a dear friend and an avid follower of my blog. He jokingly suggested I refund his money due to the fact I've been on hiatus. I've given new thought to resuming writing because all it takes is one to rev my engine.

Quite frankly I've lost my desire to inform and insult my readers. The loss of my dear Charlie three weeks ago yesterday brought this on. How the loss of a pet pooch can cause seemingly normal humans to fall into such a funk is beyond my scope of thinking but the emotions both Her Majesty and I have gone through is beyond my comprehension. One would have to have lost their best friend to understand.

I probably will continue the blog but there has to be changes made. I've decided I'll continue to insert political memes but I will not include article reprints from the news and I'm ceasing my political commentary. There's nothing I can do about the demise of this once great country due to the boobs in power-------on both sides of the aisle, so why waste my time?.

I will, however, concentrate more on personal human interest stories. It seems to me I've experienced more than my share of situations in life that would cause head scratching along with out and out laughter. 

Thanks to all who wondered where I've gone without publishing. I've been in mourning. Until I resume enjoy yourselves.

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