Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The Difference Between I And We

I am just crazy and wild about the blog, AceofSpadesHQ. The guy is very funny and makes for interesting reading. Check it out: Plus, this follows along with my most recent posting.
[Quoting Obama:] "It is important though to recognize if we keep on adding to the debt, even in the midst of this recovery, that at some point, people could lose confidence in the U.S. economy in a way that could actually lead to a double-dip recession," he said.
Anyone else notice Obama has a habit of saying I, like in his speeches, when speaking of good things but uses WE when speaking of bad things?
'Everything is better since I was elected but WE need to stop spending so much money."
"My administration will save us from the depths of despair but WE need to do more."
Who the hell signs the checks anyway? Hello

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