Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hockey Fighting

There's something about Major League hockey I don't get. Two players get in a scuffle which turns into a knockdown dragout. Fists are flying and carom off hard shell helmets. This is a recipe for broken bones and the loss of a player for six maybe seven weeks. The TV announcers are ecstatic telling us this just might be what the team needs to "get going". The crowd goes insane with cheering and joy. It's reminiscent of something that came out of the Roman Coliseum.
If I happened to be an owner paying some guy on skates a million dollars a year and he breaks a bone I'd throttle him.
I also notice that the team stars never get in fights and the opponents don't go after them, either. This must make the 'designated' fighters feel like losers or, at the very least, somewhat expendable.

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