Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Evie And Tommy

The wife and I had the great opportunity of being with my granddaughter as she turned five years old this past week-end. What's that old saying about time. The younger crowd says it flies but the check out generation says life is like a roll of toilet paper. The closer we get to the end the faster it goes. My point being it seems such a short time ago that we were celebrating Eve's birth.
Anyway, it's been just super fun to watch Evie as she voraciously reads one book after another. She'll knock 'em dead when she goes to kindergarten next year. Her front teeth on top, both of them are gone, as well as the two on the bottom. And she wonders why she can't whistle. We also got to see and play with her brother, Tommy. He's an exact clone of his dad i.e. big blue eyes, laughs a lot and is handsomely cute. Tommy was born two years ago last August. We played a game called pick up the chips. I'd say, "Tommy, pick up eight chips" and darned if he didn't. Picking up just two chips, for my grandson, was kid stuff.
So the moral of these stories is this. If you want to brag on your grandkids they'd better have plenty of ammo to bring to the party. Otherwise, don't show up.

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