Sunday, October 25, 2015

Texting While Driving

Another interesting fact I garnered, if true, on a radio public service announcement last Friday.
Texting while driving: If you text while behind the well you are six times more likely to initiate a fatal accident than if you are motoring DWI.

Since I don't know how to text I'll never know. It's true that those who drive impaired are less likely themselves to die because their bodies don't become rigid on impact. Most who do succumb do so because they don't use a seat belt. Unfortunately, those who are the recipients of the irresponsible drivers don't have this advantage.

As for texting: When I drive and see motorists on their cells or texting I'm torn. Do I lay on my horn possibly startling them into an accident? Then I would be culpable for a tragedy and be overcome with remorse.

Or, do I shake my head and hope the person driving acquires common sense before they are facing a judge?

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