Thursday, August 3, 2017

When You're A Politician It's Easy To Change Your Mind

Harry Reid went on the floor of the United States Senate in 1993 and game an impassioned speech on why illegal immigrants should NOT be allowed into the US.

I'm not surprised Harry, like all other pols change their minds. It's a part of their gene pool. The best excuse used by the 'liars of DC is 'I've evolved in my thinking' much the same way Hillary and Bill did when they turned pro-abortion. Basically, and you all know this, it all comes down to getting votes and receiving K Street money.

The Queen and I will visit DC this October. One of the items on my bucket list is to visit K Street and spit on as many buildings as is possible. If I happen to come across a former politician who now works for one of these dastardly lobbyist groups they'll be facing the wrath of my spittle.

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