Thursday, August 8, 2019

Guns, White Supremacy And Other Fun Stuff

Ol' MJ was on the road again today. This time to Cincinnati so my 14 year old grandson could detail the Toyota I'm about to sell. It, the drive, was a labor of love. I could have done it myself for free. He's been in the business of doing this for a year and charges $25. He has quite a list of clients. I slipped him a hundred. It's what grandpa's do don't ya' know.

On the way home I started thinking about the Dayton shootings. Dayton is only 45 miles from Cincy so the proximity of it and since it's the main talk on the radio I put my brain into gear.

I don't own a gun. I'd shoot myself either on purpose when I do something really stupid or just goofing around. A month ago I told the wife I was considering buying a pistol. She told me she'd divorce me if I did. Seriously, a divorce. Considering all the asinine things I've done in my life buying a gun ranks about 1,000 in stupidity. I do know if I'm at say a Wal-Mart and some clown starts firing I hope a dude or dudette next to me has a weapon to save my butt.

Will there be another shooting. Of course there will. Can we blame the AR-15. I won't but those on the Left will. I really don't think AR's wake up in the morning and say, "I think I'll kill a bunch of people today".  Can we pass government laws to stop gun killing? The answer is no.

You won't believe this but there have been more mass murders in this country in the years prior to the last ten.
 White supremacy is an interesting set of words to me. I don't believe it even though an Roseanne Arquette, an actress yesterday bemoaned the fact that she was born white and privileged. By the way Ms Arquette has a net worth of $8 million. Maybe she could give some to the needy but I'm not holding my breath. What the heck. I'm just happy I was born---period, white, black or yellow; checkered or looking like someone covered my face with burnt cork.

I don't know any white supremacists. Do me a favor. Go knock on the door of a neighbor to the right and left of you and ask if they're white supremacists. Joe Biden would say Trump is one. In addition he and others in his party will tell you the folks who voted for him are, too. C'mon Joe, gimme a break.

I grew up in the 50's and 60's. Times were different in those days with race. I saw black enter into Major League Baseball. My first hero was Henry Aaron and he joined the Milwaukee Braves in 1954. Whew! Guess I'm not one of those bad people. My dad have a friend who fought in WWII. I recall him being at our house in or around 1956. He didn't like blacks and it was from the war period. I think he said they(blacks)smelled differently. One could say my dad was a racist. I knew what jigaboo, Georgia blue gum and Alabama porch monkey were before I grew pubic hair. Was my dad a racist? No, he wasn't and if you'll bear with me. I grew up in a lily white Central Iowa town. It was easy to say negative things about what you didn't know. This I do know. There was a semi-pro baseball team in town. A company got jobs for the players to ease the pressure of rent and food. One of the kids was a black player from Alabama, John Miller by name. He was looking for a home in which to stay. Without being pressured my dad, knowing the situation of this kid, gave him a room in our home rent free. In addition John sat at our dinner table each night he was home. My folks never took a dime from him. Was my dad a racist? In reality he was, originally, ignorant. What is important is what lies in the heart.

Honest to goodness I am absolutely sick about what's going on in our culture. I'm literally sick of the name calling. I know it's a political season but politics is a 365 day operation.

So, how should I get over this funk. Beer doesn't work. I did go golfing with a great guy yesterday and that help. I love being with him because, as I've always told him, I enjoy being his personal pin cushion.

If you have an idea to help don't be afraid to send a comment. In the meantime I'm taking my dog to the dog park. It's a very restful place.

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