Sunday, August 18, 2019

Musings From An Old Man

If idleness is the devils workshop then I have one foot in Hell. The Queen left for Scotland this morning. The pooch has cuddled next to me on the couch and I'm doing what I do best, watching the Hallmark Channel;

The Little League Series is on ESPN non stop. Why? Does anyone over 13 care?

I left teaching in 1988. If I decided to go back into the classroom I'd last about five minutes before I was terminated. Did you know that three states have now mandated LGBT curriculum be mandatory? My presentation could not have been done with constant jokes and laughter. I remember in 1984 a student came into my class and took a seat. He was sporting thick eyeliner both below and above the eyes. I said, "Hey, Cleopatra, let's you and I go out into the hallway." See what I mean about getting fired. But, then again, it was a Catholic high school.

When I was teaching American History I adorned my classroom with posters, flags, etc. from that period under discussion. For the lesson on WWII I hung flags from all participants. That would include Japan and Nazi Germany. We were in Gettysburg two years ago. I purchased a Confederate flag. Do I have to go to confession on this one?

Other than universities, some politicians, educators and the media I don't really see an emphasis on political correctness, especially in the Midwest.

There have been times I'll walk into a gas station and say to the woman behind the counter, "Hi Darlin'"
and she'll like it. Otherwise, I'll call a person of the opposite sex lady.

When I take Charlie for his morning constitutional and come across another walker I get a better response when I say, "Good morning" rather than, "How ya' doin'''. In addition, I I tell a person "My you have a beautiful dog" I really, really get a friendly hello.

Charlie doesn't know it yet but I bought him a large bag of toys and treats. Boy, will he be surprised.

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