Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Asteroid Alert

I'm not sure what kind of newspaper the UK Express is but they published an article yesterday that would scare the peewadun and out millions of people, especially atheists.

According to them an asteroid the size of the World Trade Center 'might' crash into earth at 26,000 per hour on December 20 of this year.

I'd read somewhat the same type of story a week ago citing a Swedish astronomers same admonition of "People had better leave the planet soon". I didn't want to include his name because he had umlauts above an o in his name and my computer doesn't allow me to do this feature. Regardless, I didn't pay a great deal of attention because where would I go?

There's only one thing left for me and my family to do in case this catastrophe does happen. As they told us in the 50's in the event of an atom bomb attack hide underneath your school desk. That's my plan and I'm sticking to it.

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