Monday, October 14, 2019

Sadly, There Are Givens In Life

Tyler Skaggs was an up and coming super star with the Los Angeles Angels professional baseball team until last summer. After numerous phone calls to his hotel room with no answer during one road trip he was found dead. It was a shocker of a story. Naturally an autopsy needed to be done.

I'm a little skeptical when the results of an autopsy take a couple of months to give the results. Call me a naysayer but right away I told myself, "27 years old and dead". Hmmm. My suspicion was a drug overdose. The media informed us, the general public, he was a great young man with a fiance'. The trouble is I've known a lot of great young men who died. The result is Skaggs did have an overdose and we now know those drugs were provided by a doctor of sorts with the Angels.

When I read the newspaper about tragedies with young people, specifically, those dying in auto accidents the first thing I find out is what time of the day it happened. If it's after midnight my suspicion is DUI. I'm usually correct.

My high school football coach, a great man, was Coach Merle Harris, He once told me that nothing good ever happens after 11 pm. His theory has been proven many times over.

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