Friday, October 25, 2019

"Hey, It's Your Money"

The Queen and I were at the dinner table three nights ago and got into a brief discussion of Bernie and Warren's Medicare for All plan. You know the one I mean. Yeah, the one that costs $3.2 trillion per year. A trillion is a great deal of cash but too much for most of us to fathom.

It was at this point the light bulb went off and I wondered how much the government, you and I,
 have spent on the boondoggle called the War on Poverty. So, being the good researcher that I am I went to sources more credible than Wikipedia.

The War on Poverty was begun under Nixon in 1971. In the last 48 years we average $51 billion spent to fight the sickness that will never be won.

Then I multiplied the 48 years by the $51 billion and came up with a number around $2 trillion 448 billion give or take a few dollars.

Okay, back to Medicare for All. How in the name of Beelzebub can we raise $3.2 trillion per year when the failed War on Drugs has taken us down the poop hole?

What do these Democrats expect? Do they want me to walk around sans shoes, socks and underwear?

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