Monday, February 20, 2023

"Duck! It's An Air Raid"

 Sometimes, there are scenarios that are so funny(and ridiculous) they have to be repeated again and again.

I awakened early this morning; 4:30 to be precise and flipped on the television when lo and behold there was Joe Biden visiting Ukraine. I'm not sure why he didn't do a zoom call but, then again, it is the one year anniversary of the beginning of WW III and he felt the need to fly to Kyiv and give away more of our money. There were videos of he and Zelinsky walking the streets when all of  a sudden air raid sirens went off. I don't know about you but if I was in a war torn country and I heard the sirens the first thing I'd do is kiss dirt but these guys kept walking like they were listening to birds chirping. Do you think just maybe our government would send a guy, even a guy like Biden, to an area were real rockets and bombs are detonated? Can you say photo op?

Don't stop reading because it gets better. In an April of '22 speech now being exposed Joe further committed the United States by saying, in addition to food, water and bombs this country was also going to provide pensions and social services to the Ukrainian people! In my mind it's bad enough we're paying for five and a half million immigrants but now we're responsible to provide pensions to folks who haven't worked a lick in this country. Ya' can't make this stuff up.

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