Friday, February 10, 2023

What Happened To The FBI?

 Anyone in the know understands how the FBI determined, under the auspices of Attorney General Merrick Garlnd, that mother's and father's of children who spoke out at local school board meetings should be designated domestic terrorists. 

It has now been divulged this same FBI is now attacking traditional Catholics as a potential White supremacist group. Think about it. If you happen to belong any civic or religious group you are potentially a threat to this nation; Methodists, Episcopalians, Lions Club, Elks Club, all of them could be in the crossshairs.

What is happening in this country?

And then there's this:

Let me ask you, are you comfortable with the FBI knowing the following about you?

  • Visit a target range?
  • Travel between states?
  • Send an email about politics to a friend?
  • Donate to a social cause not aligned with party interests?
  • Attend a social function in which a MAGA donor may be present?

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