Friday, February 24, 2023

What's The End Game Strategy?

 I'll be dead honest with you. I'm more than worried about our commitment to Ukraine. It seems everyone in the current administration is parroting Joe's words when it comes to our strategy for ending our participation in the war. What I'm hearing is "Whatever it takes as long as it takes." Wowie, Bob, this is scary.

I'm old enough to remember Viet Nam. We began sending advisers under the Eisenhower administration. After thousands of deaths we left in 1975-------with our tails between our legs.

Then came Afghanistan. Folks, it was a twenty plus year promise to the American that went unfilled. Will we ever forget the way we left? Thirteen soldiers died. American citizens were left behind along with $82 billion dollars in armaments and what did we gain?

Ask yourselves this question: Do you trust our government officials, Democrat and Republican, to extricate ourselves without starting WW III? To date we've given Ukraine $113 billion dollars with no end in sight.

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