Monday, August 7, 2023

Before & After

 I was listening to my very favorite radio talk show host this morning on 98.9 The Answer out of Columbus, Ohio. He's on from 11 am to 1 pm and I find him #2 on my all-time like list. Number one, of course, was Rush.

Anyway, Bruce Hoolie was on a rant this morning referring to the horrid presidency of Lyndon Johnson who ranks at the bottom when it comes to character and effectiveness in office.

Johnson's goal was to entrench the Democrat Party as #1 for all time and he felt he could achieve his goal by gaining near complete control of the Black vote even though Johnson might have been our most racist modern day president along with Woodrow Wilson.

Johnson wanted his tenure to be referred to as The Great Society. What it really was-----and is today----was a massive welfare program implement to last forever in the Black community so they would be beholden to their sugar daddies forever. And guess what? It worked. For instance, did you know the out of wedlock births for Black children in 1964 was 22%. This might knock your socks off but in 2023 Black babies are born into this world with only 23% of them having a mommy and daddy in the home. Or, for non-thinkers 77% of Black babies come from homes with only a mommy in the home. 

So, can we please stop with the Black Lives Matter nonsense. Democrats never did care about Blacks in this country. What they do care about is their votes. 

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